Sunday, October 24, 2010

city trip

well the city, what to say.

First off i want to say that i was AMAZED at how much culture there was in alphabet city. On the train to the city i was highly doubting that all of the hype about the culture contained in the few blocks that are alphabet city. Little did i know that the culture was actually understated, and that the culture that i discovered was far broader then i initially imagined. My favorite part of Alphabet city was definitely the community gardens. It was amazing to me how people took, what was basically trash, and made it into art. It was like "oh im walking down the streets of ny looking at the corporate settings and colors" and then "oh my gosh a patch of green with....are those....chickens? live chickens roaming around NY?! WHAT IS THIS!" Heres what this felt like:


However the most unique part of my trip was my perilous journey into a condemned building oohhhhhhhhh (don't tell my mommy). This adventure spurred lines such as "oh look at these Halloween props, so lifelike *touch* that's a real dead rat...oh...." and "IS THAT A LLAMA IN A CONDEMNED BUILDING?! COOL!" What was strange was that inside the building was a treasure trove of artistic brilliance. The building must have been from the thirties with all of the rustic objects that littered the rooms.

And swan lake.....I'm not a ballerina or have seen ballets, but i have to say i was entranced by the grace and majesty of the dancers. I thought that after a long day of walking and ....getting lost....that i would fall asleep. This was not the case whatsoever. I was amazed that, without words, a ballet could be both humorous and depressing. I guess that is an ode to Matthew Bourne.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

angry because i cant tell anyone

well, me and matt created this amazing idea for a music video. However, we cant exactly tell anyone about the video just yet....well what it is about at least. What I CAN tell you is that we are trying to get youtube star MysteryGuitarMan to help us out with the effects that me and Matt plan on using. If we get him ,then this music video would quite frankly be an easy sell to the band which originally sung the song we are doing the music video to. The reason that i cannot divulge the essence of the video is because i want the video to be a surprise to Stac and also for the fact that i am going to use the set for some......well....Interesting things, things which quite frankly i only have so much control over.

So instead here is a picture of a duck....

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

the meaning of a scream

Hello All!

After yesterdays class of (admitted) improvisation of what I thought the meaning of the screaming exhibit meant i realized that i was actually onto something!


At first as i sauntered up to the microphone i did not think of the art of it all.The singular thought in my head was that "dude im screaming in a museum"

As other people started to scream however i realized that everyones screams are different, and not in the sense that everyone speaks differently, but in the fact that the reason behind everyones screams was different. For example i felt my scream was out of anger, anger from frustration from school, anger from my personal anxieties being released, and anger from my social and personal life. However other peoples screams were about their sadness perhaps, or maybe about happiness, to each their own. It then dawned on me that this is probably what painters did when they were painting. they expressed themselves through their art. So a painting is nothing more then a scream.