Sunday, October 2, 2011

the trip i have not blogged about yet

Sculpture garden - I have to say, i loved the space, hated the downstairs art. It felt like a bunch of heady garbage. It really held no appeal for me, other than plant the idea in my head that the cellar which it was displayed in would be a far better haunted house than exhibit. Although the voodoo trapeze was ghostly and eerie and i absolutely adored that.

MoMa- I thought Ps1 was a bit better than the sculpture garden. Highlights for me:

Soundroom- walking in the middle of all the sound was one experience but walking to each individual speaker to hear the individual parts that made the whole piece work was mind blastingly cool

Cellar Thingy- This was the creepiest thing i have ever seen. When i went to this room it was just matt megan and i and we were all alone in the room. What made this scary was that every time a car passed or person walked over us, there was a noise that, amongst the ambient noise made me literally jump out of my skin.

The Whitney- I would have appreciated this museum more if i hadn't been so tired and damp from the rest of the day. i felt as if i was just dragging myself through this museum and diddnt really want to understand the work

Rest of the day: i mean, St.Marks is amazingly cool and unique, but those damn neo-futurists were hilarious. I want to say how unique they were but....they weren' was tablo.....but at the same time it was unique....i really want to make this an improv or put it in my play somehow....