Sunday, September 26, 2010


The way that I interpreted "liminal spaces" was as a space of transition. Furthering this thought, I decided to shoot spaces where either change occured, was occuring, or juxtaposed with nonchange. The reason that I interpreted "liminality" as change was because the phrase "inbetween-ness" which made me think of the lives of my friends who left highschool last year to move on to greener pastures. My friends are constantly telling me how different, and better, college is from highschool. I chose to work off of that idea by thinking of my own experiences of going into highschool and how different it was then the middle school. It is through this reasoning that I realized that highschool was my "liminal space" an "inbetween space". What exactly is an "inbetween space" but a place inbetween changes.


While the game may be over, the spirit lives on.

What really struck me about this game was the completive side of people that showed. People became totally different, transformed into seemingly unrecognizable versions of themselves. I cannot help but relate this to the book The Lord Of The Flies. After reading this book i laughed at the thought of children becoming savage and killing each other. After this week however, I'm actually both in shock and in awe of how realistic this book could be. We, as a class lost all love for each other, there was betrayal, and frustration. While i do believe that this game brought us closer to some people and allowed us to get to now them better, i also believe that this game brought others farther apart, in fact, i believe that more people were thrust apart then put together. Many forgot that this was a game and took it a little too far. I am actually thankful that this game is over and we can go back to loving one and other without all of the paranoia and doubt running through our heads.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Sunday Afternoon

(Guess this one! This person has all the answers and a very large adam's apple!)

(Just for kicks and giggles)

For my project I decided to find people whom my eye wandered to and took a picture of their feet, or more specifically, their shoes. By looking at someone's shoes you can honestly tell alot about a person, and it's something I immediately look at upon meeting someone....(discretely of course).

Thursday, September 16, 2010

i would like to start this blog off with a music recommendation......the next time you feel the need to fist pump or rave, immediately turn to the artist known as deadmau5. He is epic. Moving on

So my life as an artist, because no one wants to hear what happened in STAC. Today we did this and I thought it was really cool....blah blah so instead i want to describe my plans for this year. I want to write a screen play, a legitimate screen play, or a pitch for a show. I have been told that I talk in terms of screenplays and that all I need to do is write down a story the way I tell it and i would have a screen play written. While this may be true, there is no way to tell due to my own laziness. Well, not exactly that. Im juggling soccer, school, SAT prep and trying to keep some level of sanity. It's a busy job, however admittedly a couple of minutes a night wouldn't honestly kill me. I figure that the first story I will spin is actually a true story of a raid that I completed in my camp. Admittedly, it is a fairly epic tale, if you haven't already heard it make sure to ask me to recite it for you. Also this year I plan on furthering my acting career......i'm not too sure how I am going to accomplish this, but it is definitely a priority. What I want to do to further my repitour however, is to take dance lessons. Little known fact about me, I love to dance. I usually have a lot o energy and dancing is the perfect way to use the pent up energy. Of course with the dancing comes vocal lessons because I need to perfect the trifecta of musical theater if I am going to be taken seriously be anyone!


running list of things to get done
1.Act in some show (not including school run ones)
2. Dance lessons
3. Singing lessons
4. Stay sane
5. Work out dammit! no one wants a tubby wubby in an industry so focused on physicality and looks.
6. Smile kid!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

1st day back and still rolling


fist day back at school and what a day it was!

homework, a pop quiz in physics and a whole bunch of adjustments! But the best part of the day was also the strangest for me. having a year under my belt in STAC the whole first day experience was so much different. I remember my first day in STAC being absolutely petrified, not being able to move a muscle and not even eating for fear of people judging what i ate (fickle i know). But as a sophomore to STAC, boy did that change. Where i first was frozen, rigid, and in shock, today i was energetic, floating around, cracking jokes, reconnecting with old friends. I felt like the absolute king of the world. Then i got a look at the newbies faces, and my day was made. If i could bottle the looks on their faces i swear i could have made millions. Their eyes were darting around, they all looked like they wanted to feint and i couldn't stop myself from laughing, despite that little guy in the back of my mind who remembers myself in the same situation (i normally don't listen to Howard, he's such a buzz kill). As for the show we watched today, it wasn't bad. I was angry with my confusion about what was happening in the show and i think that it inhibited me from fully enjoying it. However i am curious to know what the hell was happening and what the hell was the story with that blob!?!?!? It was like ok he's in a town....oh a

The agent thing;

SOOOO COOLLLLLLLLLLLL IMMMM SOOOO EXCIIIITTTEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD this is a truly well thought out way for us to get to know each other (even though luke did say no stalking.........=D)

well i think ill end here i just got home from soccer and im dead tired (yes...i play sports *GASP*)

Till next week- toodlaooooo!!!