What really struck me about this game was the completive side of people that showed. People became totally different, transformed into seemingly unrecognizable versions of themselves. I cannot help but relate this to the book The Lord Of The Flies. After reading this book i laughed at the thought of children becoming savage and killing each other. After this week however, I'm actually both in shock and in awe of how realistic this book could be. We, as a class lost all love for each other, there was betrayal, and frustration. While i do believe that this game brought us closer to some people and allowed us to get to now them better, i also believe that this game brought others farther apart, in fact, i believe that more people were thrust apart then put together. Many forgot that this was a game and took it a little too far. I am actually thankful that this game is over and we can go back to loving one and other without all of the paranoia and doubt running through our heads.