Tuesday, November 2, 2010

the new jesus movie

all of you have seen the old jesus movie. Shoddily shot, poorly versed, and a little off.

I am here to tell you that 2.0 is a whole new experience in itself

The way we have it now it is like a "Brighton Beach Memoirs meets How I Met Your Mother" style of narration, once again focusing on Jesus's shadowed brother, Mordachai. This style means that the narrator will "pause" the scene, break the 4th wall (which will make for some bad puns) and talk directly to the audience, through this style the narrator is also able to act as an omnipotent narrator similar to bob saggot in HIMYM. What we have changed in 2.o is a lot of the story line. We have made it more cohesive and centered on just Mordachai's various relationships that he has, and will build.

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